European Sports Business Program

ESSEC Business School, Toute la France
9 jours
9 900 EUR
Prochaine session
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En centre de formation
9 jours
9 900 EUR
Prochaine session
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En centre de formation
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Description de la formation

Unlock boundless opportunities in the world of sports business leadership through the European Sports Business Program

A groundbreaking initiative powered by the Executive Education divisions of three prestigious European Business Schools:WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management (Düsseldorf), Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), and ESSEC Business School (Paris).

This program, designed for both current and future leaders in the sports industry, comprises three transformative modules held in Düsseldorf, Stockholm, and Paris. Across this intensive 3 x 3-day experience, participants will explore future foresight and growth strategies at WHU in Düsseldorf, master the transformation of strategic concepts into commercial success at SSE in Stockholm, and gain essential insights into leadership, goal setting, and change management within the dynamic sports business environment at ESSEC in Paris.

In this transformative journey, participants will not only acquire cutting-edge skills and innovative thinking but also amplify their professional network, connecting with an eclectic mix of international peers and top-tier industry experts

Prochaines sessions

1 Formation disponible

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  • En centre de formation
  • France
  • Anglais

Objectifs visés

– Strategic Prowess:Master strategic thinking in the global sports industry.
– Business Excellence:Learn to run a successful professional sports enterprise.
– Leadership Skills:Lead high-performing teams and organizations effectively.
– Global Network:Connect with future sports leaders, renowned experts, and European sports hubs.
– Best Practices:Gain insights from European sports organizations.
– Certification:Earn Executive Education certificates from three top business schools.


MODULE I - “Corporate Foresight & Strategy Making”

Feb 14, 2024 - Feb 16, 2024, Düsseldorf

– Navigating strategic uncertainty (Delphi method)
– Assessing strategic opportunities
– Leading a strategy making process
– Building strategies for growth

MODULE II - “Management & Execution”

Mar 25, 2024 - Mar 27, 2024, Stockholm

– Implementing strategies
– Driving positive change
– Measuring and monitoring performance
– Ensuring business model funding

Module III - “Leadership & Culture” 

May 25, 2024 - May 27, 2024, Paris

– Motivating teams
– Creating a culture of initiative
– Fostering openness to change
– Instilling purpose

Public Cible

– 2+ Years Professional Experience
– Undergraduate Degree
– Open to New Challenges & Fresh Sports Business Perspectives

Déroulement de la formation

Modular: 3 cities x 3 days : Düsseldorf, Stockholm & Paris

Profil du Formateur

Professor Karoline Strauss, PhD
ESSEC Sports Chair and Professor of Management - ESSEC Business School Paris

Karoline Strauss is Professor of Management at ESSEC Business School and holder of the ESSEC Sports Chair. She teaches leadership, organizational behavior, and human resource management. Her research focuses on how leaders and employees bring about change and shape the future, such as by contributing to (or resisting) change and innovation. Professor Strauss has collaborated with organizations from a wide range of sectors, including health care, policing, telecommunications, and sports.

Professor Sascha L. Schmidt
Professor of Sports and Management - WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management

Sascha L. Schmidt is a Professor, Chair Holder and Director of the Center for Sports and Management (CSM) at WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management in Düsseldorf, Germany with the “Future of Sports” being his key research area. He is a lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sports Entrepreneurship Bootcamp as well as a member of the "Digital Initiative" at Harvard Business School in Boston. Schmidt is the editor of the book “21st Century sports: How Technologies will Change Sports in The Digital Age,” and based on this book, he developed the online course “Transformational Technologies: Applied Lessons from Sports” with MIT xPRO. He regularly publishes his work in various books and peer-reviewed journals, including Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Sloan Management Review, and Applied Psychology. 

Professor Martin Carlsson-Wall
Professor of Accounting & Director of the Center for Sports & Business - Stockholm School Of Economics

Martin Carlsson-Wall is Professor of Accounting at Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) and Director of the Center for Sports and Business at SSE. In 2015, he founded the Stockholm School of Economics' Center for Sports and Business. It is an inter-disciplinary research center with faculty members from all over the world. It is supported by the Swedish Olympic Committee and many of the large Swedish sports (e.g., football, ice hockey, golf, equestrian, skiing, parasport, trot racing). Martin's research interests are in accounting, sports organizations, and in the areas of management control, innovation, growth, and risk management.

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