Essentials of Management: For New Managers

MCE - Management Centre Europe, • Amsterdam (+12 lieu(x))
2 jours
1 995 EUR HT
Prochaine session
En centre de formation, En entreprise
2 jours
1 995 EUR HT
Prochaine session
En centre de formation, En entreprise
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Description de la formation

Learn moreGet the key skills you need to manage and motivate, to delegate and to become a great all-round manager

This programme is practical, hands-on and business focused. You learn by using role plays, exercises and tips.
Learn how to use clear goal setting and professional feedback to manage your team on a daily basis


  • Becoming a great manager
  • Delegation strategies
  • Coaching skills
  • Communication skills
  • Motivating your team
  • Performance management

Prochaines sessions

13 Formations disponibles

5 août, 2024

  • En centre de formation
  • Londres
  • Anglais

12 août, 2024

  • En centre de formation
  • Prague
  • Anglais

16 septembre, 2024

  • En centre de formation
  • Francfort
  • Anglais

23 septembre, 2024

  • En centre de formation
  • Genève
  • Anglais

7 octobre, 2024

  • En centre de formation
  • Amsterdam
  • Anglais

14 octobre, 2024

  • En centre de formation
  • Munich
  • Anglais

21 octobre, 2024

  • En centre de formation
  • Hambourg
  • Anglais

28 octobre, 2024

  • En centre de formation
  • Paris
  • Anglais

4 novembre, 2024

  • En centre de formation
  • Bruxelles
  • Anglais

11 novembre, 2024

  • En centre de formation
  • Berlin
  • Anglais

18 novembre, 2024

  • En centre de formation
  • Londres
  • Anglais

9 décembre, 2024

  • En centre de formation
  • Dusseldorf
  • Anglais

contacter l'organisme pour en savoir plus

  • En entreprise
  • France
  • Anglais

Objectifs visés

  • Understand your management roles and responsibilities
  • Improve communication with your team & set expectations for you and your direct reports
  • Adapt your management style to meet the needs of individual team members
  • Communicate organizational goals that get results
  • Apply delegation strategies to increase productivity and motivation
  • Use effective coaching techniques to maximize your team’s performance
  • Recognize different types of work conversations
  • Define the goals of performance management
  • Understanding and using the conversational triangle in your management role
  • Practice delegation discussion in role plays
  • Share your knowledge and challenges with your peers and MCE's highly experienced faculty


Essentials of Management: Management Skills for New Managers is a hands-on online training programme, highly interactive with exercises and role plays. The programme is facilitated by an experienced business person.

Programme Modules:

1 – Defining Your Role as a Manager

  • Discovering the qualities and abilities required for effective management
  • Identifying the roles and responsibilities managers perform
  • Exploring the contextual issues and challenges that new managers face today

2 – Continuous Performance Management

  • Defining the goal of performance management
  • Identifying the process and challenges
  • Practicing the skills of performance management

3 –  Communication: Conducting Effective Work Conversations

  • Describe the importance of communication to effective management.
  • Recognizing the qualities of effective communication.
  • Understanding the process of communication and the barriers that can derail it.
  • Recognizing different types of work conversations.
  • Identifying the two key conversation skills.
  • Understanding and utilizing the conversational triangle

4 – Coaching for Performance

  • Identifying the importance of and requirements for coaching
  • Learning the micro-skills of effective coaching
  • Confronting problem behaviours in a tactful manner
  • Using the AMA Guide to manage a coaching discussion
  • Differentiating between coaching and disciplining

5 –  Building a Motivational Climate

  • Recognizing the manager’s role in employee motivation
  • Exploring important elements of the motivational process
  • Utilizing managerial practices for building a motivational climate

6 – Delegating for Growth and Development

  • Describing the types of delegation that managers can engage in
  • Identify the importance of, and the barriers to, effective delegation
  • Assessing your current delegation practices and their challenges
  • Recognizing what can and can’t be delegated
  • Identifying the phases of effective delegation
  • Practicing delegation discussion

Public Cible

LEVEL: New Managers
You are a manager with up to 3 years experience and you have a team of 3 or more people. You need to improve your management skills and become a great allround manager

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MCE - Management Centre Europe
Chaussee de la Hulpe 166
1170 Bruxelles

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MCE ou Management Centre Europe est un organisme de formation basé à Bruxelles en Belgique. Fort de plus de 95 ans d'expérience, l'organisme de formation propose plus de 130 programmes de formation dans plus de 40 grandes villes à travers...

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