Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Business

ESSEC Business School, À distance
6 semaines
2 900 EUR HT
Prochaine session
Merci de contacter l'organisme. Tout voir
À distance
Éligible CPF
Éligible CPF
6 semaines
2 900 EUR HT
Prochaine session
Merci de contacter l'organisme. Tout voir
À distance
Éligible CPF
Éligible CPF
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Description de la formation


Transform Big Data and AI into better opportunities for your career.

ESSEC Professors have designed an Executive Short program exploring the ongoing developments of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, the Internet of Things, Blockchain as well as GDPR and Quantum Computing.

This Executve Short program will provide you with solid foundations on these existing and future technologies.

Prochaines sessions

1 Formation disponible

Merci de contacter l'organisme.

  • À distance
  • À distance

Objectifs visés

Cette formation a pour but de vous former aux thématiques suivantes big data, Intelligence artificielle. Pour en savoir plus n'hésitez pas à contacter l'organisme.


Programme Contents

Understand the features and challenges of Big Data and Open Data

  • Understand why data is now being regarded as the ‘oil’ for the companies. New paradigm: data is at the centre of all strategic decisions. Without data there can be no smart decisions.
  • Understand what is a big data system is: Being able to characterise/assess a dataset using threefollowing the 3 criteria: volume, velocity, variety.


Understand features and challenges of AI, Machine Learning and IoT

  • Understand the basics of IoT : Machine To Machine specifications, Heterogeneity of data and protocols (software) and sensors (hardware)
  • Who are the main actors of IoT : Telcos, Gafa, Protocol start-ups.


Navigate through a programming software,
interpret basic coding and write a short coding program

  • Understand basic programming functionalities: open a basic coding, run it, perform basic debugging tasks (Languages : R, Python)
  • Understand basic algorithm functions: CONDITIONAL TESTS (IF, ELSE IF), LOOPS (FOR, WHILE)



English: minimum TOEIC SCORE 785 or B2 on the Common European Framework of reference 

Candidates must have some notions of digital technologies.


Déroulement de la formation

  • 100% online lectures
  • Teamwork (top-level peer learning)
  • Individual academic coach

Suivi et évaluation

  • Self-assessment
  • Evaluation & feedback
  • Video projects
  • Activity files & materials

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ESSEC Business School
2 Place de la Défense
92053 Paris

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